Featured authors:
Simon Curtis has shod horses for 30 years in Newmarket, England. He is a Fellow of the Worshipful Company of Farriers by examination and is the only farrier to have been awarded an Honarary Associate of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons for his work in encouraging co-operation between farriers and and veterinary surgeons. He is a visiting lecturer to the National Stud, The British Racing School and Cambridge University.
Chris Gregory is the Owner of Heartland Horseshoeing School in Lamar, Missouri. He began teaching Farriery in 1992, is one of 34 Fellow of the Worshipful Company of Farriers, and has had over 100 articles in trade and horse magazines. Additionally, Chris has done clinics and shod horses on 6 continents, and competed in horseshoeing and blacksmith competitions for many years. His textbook is one of the best how-to books on farriery ever published.